Thursday, December 15, 2016

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation
1.)Some things I liked about computer class was that we were learning how to type without looking at the keyboard. I also liked that we got to learn other people's experiences when they chose the wrong. I also liked that everyday we came to computer class and learned to to be a CTR person.

2.) I mostly liked this class. I don't have anything to say about this class at the moment.

3.)A recommendation I was to give to improve this class is to let students sit with whoever they want. A student is more productive in projects when they sit next to someone they talk to.

4.)The highlight for me in this class was the states project. It was fun learning new things about states.

5.)I may have not done my best in this class all the time. Although I did try my best most of the time. Such as in my SSS I tried my best but sometimes i couldn't think of what to say.

6.) Most of the time I am reading my life planning goals journal. Although sometimes I don't because I am really busy and forgot to read it.

7.) Honestly I might not be fully committed to being a CTR person.  I am not fully committed because I can mess up sometimes. Such as not doing my homework.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Honesty you better believe it

Honesty you better believe it

The video honesty you better believe it tells 2 stories. The first story the narrator talks about is a guy who's in medical school. The narrator first tells that the guy is taking a test. When the test began the teacher left the room and after the teacher left the guy began to notice people taking out pieces of paper with answers. The guy felt as if he was never going to succeed with these people who cheat. Before everyone could cheat a guy stood up and he said he was a father of a 3 kids and that he and his wife moved far from home just so he can go to medical school and if he saw anyone cheating he would report them. All of the people who were about to cheat put their paper away as fast as they took them out. That class had many graduate medical school then any class before.

Student Success Statement #31

“When you Tell One Lie,it leads to Another”-Paul Hatch
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The statement “When you tell one lie, it leads to another” explains that even if you believe your only lying once you will will end up lying again. Lying once means you are tempted to do it again. If you decide to lie thinking you won’t hurt your friends feelings then you will make yourself believe you are lying for a good reason. But there is never a good reason to lie. Not lying at all means you are never going to be tempted to lie again. If you are always lying your lies will catch up to you because with many lies you won’t remember what you made up. People will also not like you lying and you will likely not have friends. People like honesty.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Sting of The Scorpion

The Sting of the Scorpion-Elder Patrick Kearon

The sting of the scorpion is about a little boy who was out on the desert on a camping trip with his parents. He was told before to always put on his shoes but one day he decided to disobey. The little boy was to lazy and thought of sandals as shoes. He also thought that nothing could happen to him because he was going for a little walk. As he was walking he felt a pain on his foot. He looked down and saw a scorpion. The pain kept rising up his he grabbed his foot to try to stop the pain from rising. As he was feeling the pain he was screaming. His parents hear his screaming from a distance and rushed to him. They packed up everything and rushed to the nearest hospital which was 2 hours away. All the little boy could feel was the pain and he felt as if he were dying. The doctor told them it was no big deal as only a infant could be affected by that type of scorpion. The doctor put anastim  just so he wouldn’t feel the pain. But the from that day on the little boy knew he should have put his shoes.

Student Success Statement #30

“Always do the right.”-Mark Twain
The statement “Always do the right.” explains that always do what you believe is the right thing. Doing the wrong  thing gets you into trouble. It also make people believe you are a trouble maker. Always doing the right means to stay in school, not using inappropriate language, follow school
rules and follow the law. Such as always doing the the right means nevering having to worry about going to jail. You don’t have to worry about getting in trouble at school and you can have a peaceful life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Student Success Statement #29

In Bad Company
“It’s better to be alone than in bad company.”
The statement “It’s better to be alone than in bad company.” explains that when you are alone the you don’t get into to trouble then when you are in bad company. For example they are fake friends who act like they will support you but in reality they won’t support you. Bad company encourages you to drink or smoke. Having no friends means you don’t have to worry about temptation. But you should have friends that are a good influence. They should be CTR people.

World War 2

World War II
History:December 7, 1941
September 1, 1939 – September 2, 1945
1.What countries fought against whom in WWll?
On one side were the Axis Powers including Germany, Italy and Japan. On the other side were their allies Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America.
2. Where did WWll occur?
Most of the combat in WWll occurred Europe, East Asia and Islands in the Pacific.
3. Name and describe a few events that happened during WWll?
The events were horrific many people died and others were injured. On August 15, 1945 Japan surrendered with the surrender documents finally signed aboard deck of the American battleship USS Missouri on September 2, 1945, ending the war.
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4. How can we honor and show respect for WWll veterans?
We can honor and show respect for WWll veterans by taking a moment of silence for 5 minutes.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Challenges Teens Face Today

Challenges Teens Face Today

1.What are several of the major challenges teens deal with today?
Several Teens challenges are attitude problem, Drug abuse, Smoking, Lying, Bullying and Body Issues.
2.What are one or two major challenges YOU are dealing with today?What are you doing about them?
A problem I am dealing with is Attitude Problem. I am trying to calm myself down when I am angry.
3.How does being a CTR person help you to overcome any challenge you may face?
It helps me over any problem I may face because it reminds me to be a good person.
4.How can you help other teens to overcome their challenges?
I can help them by telling them they have someone who supports them and will help them get help.
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6.Reflection:What is the greatest need that teens have?

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Student Success Statement #28

Physical Fitness
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.”-John F. Kennedy
This statement “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong.” explains that being active helps a person function well and live a long and healthy life. Being active helps you with your intellect and will help you reach your full capacity. A person who isn’t active only feels lazy and tends not to do any work. Such as a person who is active will get so much done. If you are in school and to lazy to be be active then most likely you are also to lazy to do homework/classwork. On the other hand if you are active then you will feel productive and will want to do all your homework/classwork.

Health Science Librarian

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health Science Librarians conduct research on many different medical topics in order to find the most recent information available.These librarians are in charge of arranging and distributing clinical, scientific and medical information for texts, journal, and electronic databases.

The average health science librarian earned $52,000 a year. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that a professional working in an executive federal position could earn as much as $80,170, while those working in a legal field earn around $68,750

You must complete a high school education courses in math, science and information  technology and management. A bachelor’s degree in life sciences should then be followed by a master’s degree in library science.

Demand for this profession:
There are 145,710 librarians recorded by Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2011. 60,650 of them were employed in elementary and secondary schools and the others worked in local government. Those who have a secondary specialization in a computer science and database field will likely find even  greater opportunities for employment.

I would consider in joining this career because it seems interesting.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Student Success Statement #26

“Manners maketh man.”-William Wykeham
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The statement “Manners maketh man.” explains that the manners you have have make the person you are. Such as if don’t say please or thank you at all then you come off to people as a rude person. Instead if you respect people you seem to others as a nice person. It also works the other way around to if you see a person doing  something without manners then they seem to you as a mean person or someone you don’t really want to be associated with. Such as if you see someone with manners and is polite then you might consider being friends with them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Student Success Statement #25

Don’t Do It
Don’t Say It
“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.”-Marcus Aurelius
The statement explains that don’t do things that aren’t right and don’t say things that are not true. For example if you hear a rumor about someone that you know it isn’t true don’t go around spreading the rumor. Even if you don’t know if the rumor is true or not don’t go around spreading it. If you know something is not right to don’t it. Don’t get tempted to do what not right. If you don’t want rumors spread about you then don’t say what isn’t true. If you see other people cheating on a test passing around a paper with the answers and they offer if you want to copy just say no. Tell them it's not the right thing to do and continue trying your best on the test.


Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and United States. Its celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. Thanksgiving has been an annual tradition since 1863.  Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions. In the United States the modern day Thanksgiving is traced to a sparsely documented 1621 celebration at Plymouth in present-day Massachusetts. The first Thanksgiving is still being debated as to where it began. In modern day Thanksgiving it is common to eat turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie and ham.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Student Success Statement #24

Doing what is right, fair and honorable
“Doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”-Chick Moorman
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This statement explains that winning or losing is not the most important thing in the world. If want to join a competition don’t think winning is more important than being honorable. If you win but cheated it won’t even count. If you end up losing but didn’t cheat then you know you tried your best but will try better next time.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Veterans Day

1. What is Veterans Day?
Veterans day is an Official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans.
2. When is it?
November 11
3. What is the purpose of Veteran Day?
Veterans Day celebrates the service of all the U.S. military veterans.
4. Why is it important to show honor on Veterans Day?
It is important to honor veterans day because we are thanking all military veterans who served in the United States in all wars.
5. List several ways to show honor and respect on Veterans Day.
-Period of silence
7.It’s interesting that if Veterans Day falls on a weekday most communities hold their celebrations on the weekends closest to Veterans Day.
8. I believe that Veterans Day is a nice way to celebrate military veterans. It’s also nice that most schools and workplaces allow a day of to student and adults so they can celebrate this day. A period of silence lasting 2 minutes is a good way to show respect.   

Monday, November 7, 2016

Student Success Statement #23

“1.Have the courage to say no.
2.Have the courage to face the truth.
3.Do the right thing because it is right.
These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity.”

The statement explains that having integrity means that you do the right thing because it’s right.If you don’t want want to do something then have the courage to say no. If you are asked to take a sip of beer have the courage to say no and walk away. If you give in to the temptation and get caught have the courage and face the truth. Although having integrity means doing the right thing because it’s the right thing.If you cheat on test do the right thing and tell the teacher you cheated, or think before you decide to cheat. Cheating won’t help you and if you knew you didn’t understand the subject you were taking the test on you should have studied or asked your teacher for help. If someone wants to copy your homework/classwork have the courage to say no. It’ll help them and you won’t get in trouble.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Student Success Statement #22

Shall be Wise
“He that walketh with wise man shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
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The statement “ He that walketh with wise man shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” this explains that a person who hangs out with the wrong crowd will get into trouble. A person who hangs out with the right crowd will not get in trouble and might even succeed in life. If you have friends who do drugs, don’t go to school and get into a lot of trouble will end up getting you in trouble if you do those stuff or not. Hanging around those people will tempt you to do stuff you are not suppose to do which can get you arrested. Having bad influences can also not lead you to not graduating high school because if they decide to ditch most of the time and you go along with them will make you miss what you are learning in school. Or maybe they are distracting you in class while you are trying to learn. Although if you chose a group of friends who are scholar students they maybe what they do will encourage you to do better. Maybe they can help you study for a quiz or help you with your homework. Good influences almost never lead you into trouble.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Success Statement #20

“Right is right,even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.”-William Penn
The statement “Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong even if everyone is for it.” explains that if you stand alone right is still right. Going to a party and everyone is doing drugs it is still wrong and you shouldn’t do. Even if everyone says oh no drugs aren’t bad you shouldn’t try them because drugs are wrong. If everyone is cheating on a test then you should be the only one not to cheat. Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is against it. If everyone believes they are doing the right thing but you believe they are doing the wrong thing then do the right thing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student Success Statement #19

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often.”-Peter Vidmar

The statement “Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.Write down what you want most and see it often.” explains that you should not stop trying to get your most wanted goal for something that you want at the moment. If you want straight A’s all semester and you have homework to do but you really want to watch TV don’t watch TV and finish your homework. If you decide to watch TV you won’t end up doing your homework which will cause your grade to lower. This will then become a habit and it won't help you complete your goal. If you want to go on a diet but then you get tempted to get a brownie don’t make the sacrifice because it won’t help you get what you most want. Such as Peter Vidmar he didn’t let anything stop him from getting what he most wanted. He may have had many moments where he wanted to sacrifice what he most wanted for something he wanted at the moment but he didn’t.


Homecoming 2016

  1. download (42).jpgA school homecoming is a tradition where people, towns, high schools and colleges come together. Usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents.
  2. The tradition of homecoming has its origins in alumni football since the 19th century.
  3. Schools celebrate homecoming because it is a tradition that is done after the homecoming football game.
  4. Many other events happen during the week in high schools such as a parade, picnic, “Spirit Week”, pep rallies and Homecoming Dance.
  5. It is called Homecoming Game because traditionally the team come back from the longest road trip of the season.
  6. The Homecoming Etiquette for a dance is usually women wearing knee high dresses with their hair down and men wearing a tucked in dress shirt.

I believe homecoming is nice event it’s fun to watch the football game and go to the dance.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Student Success Statement #18

A Good Name
“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life”-Coach K
The statement “A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life” explains that being known as a CTR person is better than being known an alcoholic, smoker, etc .As for Coach K he didn’t care about winning he cared about his players being a good person. Coach K wouldn’t care if his team lost all the games although it did feel good winning. If you are a troublemaker and you don’t change for high school then you are going to be known  as the trouble making kid all your 4 years in high school. Rather than being known as the trouble making kid I would want to be known as the girl who tries her best at everything she does. Having a good name is better than anything you can achieve because it makes you feel everyone knows you are a good person.

Careers in other Countries

“Global Opportunities: Careers in Other Countries”

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  • Canada- Lawyer
They have a median salary of $90,002.
  • Japan-Foreign Models and extras on TV and film productions
Easy for a foreigner to get this job.


I would like to work in a different country because it would be a different experience and you can explore the country too.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Student Success Statement #17

Choosing a good name
“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches”-Proverbs 22:1

The statement “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches” explain that to cheat and lie for money isn’t worth you ruining your reputation. If you want money then you should get it in a honorable way. Having a good name for yourself is better than riches. Everywhere you go your reputation precedes you. Such as in school they know all the grades you have and if you don’t care about your grades or test scores teachers will think you’re a lazy person even if you are trying to change.

Health Educator

Health Educator
Duties and Responsibilities:
Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities. Community health workers collect data and discuss health concerns with members of specific populations or communities.

The median annual Health Educator salary is $59,194, as of September 30,2016, with a range usually between $51,719-$66,516, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.

A bachelor’s degree or higher in health education, public health education or promotion. They also need to pass certified Health Education Specialist exam.

The demand for this education is high and it is projected to grow 12%.


I wouldn’t consider becoming a health educator because teaching doesn’t really seem as something I find fun.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities:
Health Care administrators have responsibilities for for facilities, services, programs, staff, budgets, relations with other organizations and other management functions, depending on the type and size of organization.

The average salary for a health service managers reported by the Bureau of Labor and Statistics was $94,500. Salaries depend on also on the type of organization, location and experience, among other factors.

A bachelor's degree in healthcare administration or business administration is a typical requirement for employment as a healthcare administrator. Coursework may include organization and management within the medical field, accounting and budgeting practices, strategic planning, law and ethics, and health economics.

Demand for this profession:
This profession is in high demand. Employment opportunities are expected to grow beyond the average for all occupations with job growth of 23 percent through 2022.

I would consider this occupation because it seems like an interesting thing to do.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Student Success Statement #16

“If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for other to follow.”- Thomas S. Monson
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The statement “If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for the right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for other to follow.” explains that even if others tell you to do something you know is wrong but everyone is doing it stand alone and do the right thing. Always do the right thing and don’t let people pressure you into doing the wrong thing. If everyone at a party is drinking beer then be the only one to not drink and leave the party then maybe other people who didn’t want to drink but did it to make them look cool will follow in your lead. Even if everyone thinks you’re “lame” you know you are doing the right thing and that’s all that matters. Many people are afraid to be the only one doing the right thing because they think they will get made fun of. Don’t be afraid to do the right thing and stand alone because being a CTR person will never get you in trouble.


Duties and Responsibilities:
A eye doctor is a medical doctor who specializes in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologist are trained to perform eye exams, diagnose and treat disease, prescribe medications and perform eye surgery. They also write prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses.

The average salary a year for eye doctors is $52,270-$132,580 per year.

Ophthalmologist having to earn a 4-year bachelor’s degree, complete four years of medical school and undergo 3-8 years of internships and residencies.

Demand for this career:
This career is projected to grow 18 percent. Job growth will occur because of the continued expansion of healthcare-related industries.
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I would consider being an eye doctor because it doesn't look like a hard job.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Student Success Statement #15

A CTR Champion
“A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself.”-Noemi Trigueros
The statement “A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself” explains that a being a champion is great but being a CTR champion always the best thing to do. CTR champions are always the happiest. Knowing that you are not doing wrong is always the best but it feels better knowing you are choosing the right. You may not win a trophy for being a CTR champion but the feeling will always make you feel good. Being the best person you can be is being a CTR champion.

Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
They are responsible for enforcing local, state, and federal regulations that pertain to the sanitation of food water, handling of hazardous and infectious waste, and cleanliness and safety of housing and institutional environments.

Environmental Health Specialist make about $35,000-$55,000. This salary depends on education, professional credentials, where you work and who you work for.

Bachelor’s degree,Occupational health, safety or a comparable scientific discipline, Work experience is important, through internships or otherwise.

Demand for this profession:
The demand for this profession is high and it is expected to increase 11% faster than the average job.


This career doesn’t interest me because it seems boring.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Student Success Statement #14

“Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get.”-Mark Victor Hansen
The statement “Goal setting is goal getting. Set and get.” explains that making a goal helps you achieve. Such as setting 100 goals and reaching them all helps you achieve in life. Don’t stop making goals once you have reached one keep setting them it will help you in life. Try setting smaller goals and just keeping adding goals. If you decide you aren’t going to eat junk food the whole week and don’t succeed then just make it as your goal next week. Setting smaller goals will help you reach your biggest goal which should be choosing the right all the time. Wanting to get all A’s in your classes, start by setting a goal to do your homework everyday. Keeping a journal and keeping track of your goals will help alot. Keep it throughout your whole life. Not only will you be able to know what your goals are but you can always go back and see the goals you have completed. It is the CTR thing to do.