Monday, September 12, 2016

Student Success Statement #5

"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."- Abraham Lincoln

The statement "When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad."explains that doing good make you feel like a good person and doing bad makes you feel guilty. This applies in many ways but doing bad doesn't always make you feel guilty but you know you're doing a bad thing. Such as copying a student on a test because you're afraid to fail. Once you get the test back you will feel relieved that you didn't fail the test but then you'll feel guilty. On the other hand if you don't cheat and study when you get back the test with a good score you'll feel proud. Such as if you are a volleyball player and the other team hits the ball and the ball touches line but you are the only one to notice but instead you say it was out. You will start to feel as if you don't deserve to win because of the point you got which you don't deserve. This can later make you lose focus and lose the game just because you felt guilty you didn't say the ball hit line. Doing good doesn't only make you feel good because if someone were to lose their phone and you found turning it in to the lost and found you would feel proud that you did the right thing. The other person will also be happy that someone found their phone and didn't keep it. 

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