Duties and Responsibilities:
Kinesiologist are highly educated, health care professionals who are experts in body movement.They focus on prevention and wellbeing, increasing worker productivity and reducing time lost to injuries and accidents, helping you get back to work and back to health faster.
Kinesiologist make an average of $58,000 a year. Average Kinesiology salaries for job postings nationwide are 1% higher than the average salaries for all job postings nationwide.
To become a kinesiologist you would need to training and education. A basic course at kinesiology school is usually aimed at practicing health professionals. You would also need a Kinesiology Certification, which requires 100 hours of basic training.
Demand for this profession:
According to research collected by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, each year brings more positive findings on the effectiveness of kinesiology Training as a complementary diagnostic tool. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Outlook Handbook predicts particularly good employment prospects.
I don’t have any interest in becoming a kinesiologist because I would like to try a different profession.
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