Class Evaluation
My favorite thing about this class was the Code Studio. I found it really fun and it kept me occupied when I was done with everything. I also liked that each time we came we had a new student success statement and we learned about different stories of people doing the right thing. I also like how we got to see how some people choose the wrong and got caught doing it. I liked that this class kept reminding me to always choose the right. I will always be a CTR person because of this class.
What I disliked about this class was the Khan Academy lessons. They were too long and boring. I also disliked having to write reflections about our student success statement every time we had this class. Although I liked hearing the student success statements and watching people’s stories.
I recommend next year we should be allowed to choose our own seats for at least the for semester and see how it works out. I suggest this because it makes us feel more comfortable in this class sitting next to a person I know. Other than that I have no other recommendations.
A highlight for me in this class was that I actually learned how to code somewhat. The code studio really helped me. It had information videos plus it was like playing games but with coding. I now feel like I want to continue coding because of code studio.
I believe that most days I did my best. Most days I would come in here and somehow have so much to write in my student success statements and I would find the stories about other people life interesting. I would give this class my 100 percent. Although on other days I would come in here but have no idea what to write it would be really hard to think of what to write. So I would think on those days I would give it my 70 percent effort.
I read my Life Planning Goals journal almost everyday. Although some days I forget to because I am at school almost all day because of practice. I believe that my life planning goals journal is hs helped me complete so many goals that I would have never completed if I didn’t have it. It’s also helped me keep my priorities organized. Always in the past I would say I wanted to do something but then forget because I didn’t write it down. But now I have them all written down and I can get it done.
I am committed to being a CTR person because choosing the right is something I want to do always. My parents expect me to be a CTR person and I want to make them proud.
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